Café des Idées (Christchurch hub)

Reframing our relationship with Nature FAST! Christchurch members, It’s been a while since we’ve managed to get together…. We have two forthcoming opportunities to remedy this. the screening above, organised by FAST! and Alliance Française de...

Announcement: Vincent Salomon Travel Award

The Vincent Salomon FAST! Travel Award FAST! has opened a call for applications to support the travel of early-to-mid career researchers (EMCR) to attend conferences or visit collaborative research institutions. One award will be granted, covering expenses up to...

Announcement: Student Travel Award

FAST! Student travel Award FAST! has opened a call for applications to support postgraduate student travel to attend conferences or visit collaborative research institutions. Three scholarships will be awarded, each covering expenses up to $800. Costs may include all...

National FAST! Symposium

2-3 May 2024 – Wellington From Past to Fast! – 200 years of scientific ventures between France and Aotearoa This annual symposium is the opportunity to commemorate the 200 years anniversary of Dumont d’Urville’s first visit to Aotearoa, to gather our...