November 2019


Job Alert! French Embassy in NZ

The French Embassy in Wellington is looking for a new Cultural assistant from 16 January 2020! Role description ? it sounds like you, please apply before 15 December 2019!


Night of Ideas

Fast! is a proud partner of the second Franco-Kiwi edition of the Night of Ideas (Nuit des Idées) on 31 January 2020 at Te Papa Tongarewa Museum in Wellington. The


Join Ifremer for a Post-Doc!

Interested in Marine Science, Ecology, Environment and FRANCE! Join Ifremer for your Post-Doc! The French National Institute for Ocean Science, Ifremer, offers funding for post-doctoral research positions. For the year


FAST! Annual meeting program

FAST! Annual meeting program November 19th, 2019  Centre for Innovation, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ 10h30-11h00: Registration and Morning Tea 11h00-11h10: Welcome/Mihi Whakatau by Pr John Broughton  11h10-11h30: Opening Address by the French

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