Café des Idées à Christchurch & Wellington – 19 mai 2023

For the first time, the Alliance Francaise Christchurch, the Alliance Francaise Wellington and FAST! organised together a “Café des idées” with the projection of a movie about climate change followed by discussion with experts from France and New Zealand.

Once you Know – how to act in the face of climate change ? 

To avoid the collapse of our industrial civilisations in the face of climate change and resource depletion, Emmanuel Cappellin – film director of “Une fois que tu sais” – meets experts and scientists who call for collective and solidary actions to prepare the transition towards resilient societies.  The screening of the film will be followed by a discussion and Q&A session with Hervé Le Treut (CNRS, France) and Adrian Macey (VUW, New Zealand).

Trailer is on youtube: Once You Know – Trailer

When ? 19 mai 2023 at 5:30pm

Where? The Christchurch Arts Center or the Alliance francaise Wellington

It will also be possible to follow on zoom

RSVP here for Wellington and Christchurch

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