Announcement: Vincent Salomon Travel Award

FAST! has opened a call for applications to support the travel of early-to-mid career

researchers (EMCR) to attend conferences or visit collaborative research institutions. One

award will be granted, covering expenses up to $2500. Costs may include all or part of

conference registration, transportation, and/or accommodation.

– The proposal must be submitted by an EMCR (up to 10 years post PhD) currently working in a

French or Aotearoa New Zealand institution.

– Applicants need to be subscribed members of FAST! (link here)

– The conference or exchange must focus on a science, technology, engineering, or

innovation theme, which includes social sciences.

– The student’s project must demonstrate a France-Aotearoa New Zealand collaborative

effort. Examples include (but are not limited to) co-authors from French or Aotearoa

New Zealand, host institutions in both countries, research focus on one country by a

national of the other, etc.

– The applicant can apply without having submitted their abstract e.g., if the conference

is not yet open. However, the funds would only be transferred upon acceptance for an

oral or poster presentation at the conference.

– The conference or exchange must take place within one year from the award


Applications must include:

□ A copy of the submitted abstract OR a letter of invitation from the host research


□ A cover letter explaining the relevance of the application to FAST!, addressing the

above criteria, and outlining the applicant’s motivations. If attending a conference,

please include details such as the name, date, location, and webpage. Please limit to

one page and use standard font and margins. Scientific excellence will be a key

selection criterion.

□ A recent CV, also limited to one page.

The application must be submitted in one single pdf file.

“initial of first name_last name_ Student Conference Award”.

Opening date: 12th March 2024

Closing date: 25th April 2024 (midnight NZ time)

Results announced: 2nd May 2024


1. The conference presentation must include the FAST! logo and a verbal

acknowledgement to FAST! in the form of a short depiction of our mission and

organisation. In the case of a collaboration, FAST! must be acknowledge in any

resulting publications and/or future conference presentations.

2. A short report must be provided to FAST! by the successful applicant following the

conference or exchange.

FAST! will select diverse scientific areas and the selection committee will make the final decision.

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