We will have the Annual General Assembly of the society on
Friday 5th March 2021 @ 2pm.
Please join us via Zoom through the following link: https://otago.zoom.us/j/94007309685?pwd=UjhjUTFtUEJ2YXRETWlPcHlpc09qdz09
Password: 076659
To date, we are trying to organise in-person meeting to follow the AGM in our different hubs within New Zealand:
In order to support the recent change of COVID19 Alert Level, there won’t be any in-person meeting in Auckland (Alert Level 3).
The rest of our in-person meetings will be following the Alert Level 2 rules with social distancing and encouraging everyone to join us via Zoom!
- For Wellington, you can meet in person in the TTC room 4 Moncrieff Street, Mt Victoria (off Elizabeth St).
- For Dunedin, decision has been made to cancel the in-person meeting as the room we booked would not allow us to fulfil the Alert Level 2 social distancing requirement.
More information about potential other hubs to meet in-person will be provided closer to the date. Watch this space.