CAFÉ DES IDÉES Af-Wellington

Café des Idées – Science in Conversation

In 2020, the Alliance Française “Café Scientifique” becomes “Café des Idées – Science in Conversation” jointly organised with FAST!* and the Embassy of France to offer a convivial meeting platform for the exchange of ideas, information  and discussion for all those who are interested in French-related science and its broader implications for society and the natural environment.

The new format will include the possibility to connect on line or to come at the premices of Alliance Française in Wellington (free admission). 

Next Event:  

Friday 9 April 2021

My favorite dish is fish ! But how long will it last ?

” How can science and conservation work towards better fisheries management ?”

If you want to know more about the seafood on your plate, join the conversation with Livia Esterhazy (WWF) and Yoann Ladroit (NIWA) on  9th of April at 5.30 pm.

You can either come to Alliance Française Wellington or connect with Zoom from the comfort of your own home. You will receive the link 48 hrs before the talk. Please register (free):

Book your ticket on EventBrite

About the topic:

Our seafood consumption and societal choices impact increasingly marine ecosystems and the way we manage and use their resources. Our purchasing decisions might inadvertently support illegal fishing or human rights violations in fisheries, as well as overfishing while wasting large quantities of fish. The presentations will focus on how our decisions as consumers of seafood can steer society toward living in better harmony with nature, or to environmental catastrophe, and how scientific methods and novel monitoring tools can improve the sustainable management and conservation of fish resources.

About the speakers:

Livia Esterhazy:

Livia joined WWF-New Zealand in May 2017 as Chief Executive Officer. Coming
from a corporate background, Livia reached a point where she wanted to apply her commercial expertise to make a positive contribution to the wider social good. She is hugely passionate about sustainability, environmental matters and creating real impact. Prior to WWF, Livia was Managing Director of Clemenger BBDO where she successfully led the modernisation of the Wellington- based business. Livia has also worked with Assignment Group and Saatchi & Saatchi. Livia sees her role at WWF-New Zealand as an exciting opportunity to raise the profile of WWF and their work here in New Zealand, and to personally make a contribution to WWF's objective of building a future where people live in harmony with nature.

Yoann Ladroit:

Yoann is a marine acoustician with a background in applied mathematics and
physics. He started working in fisheries research for NIWA 8 years ago, after finishing his PhD at Ifremer/IMT Atlantique (Brest, France). His research revolves mainly around the use of underwater acoustic methods in our marine environment. Those can improve our understanding of the diversity, abundance and spatial distribution of fish populations. A lot of his work results in producing indices, such as absolute or relative biomass index, that add to the time-series used for monitoring fish stocks in NZ waters.


Alliance Française, Dominion Building Level 3, 78 Victoria Street, Wellington

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