The next Alliance Française Wellington Café Scientifique will be held on Wednesday 17 July from 5:15 PM for a 5:30 PM start at Southern Cross – 39 Abel Smith Street (The Guest Room) .
Free entry – All welcome In English – some French may occur!

Pascale Michel’s biography :
I have 20+ years experience in conservation biology. I started my working experience as a ranger in two Birds Australia’s nature reserves (Broome Bird Observatory-Western Australia and Gluepot Reserve-South Australia), before studying ecology at the University of Aberdeen-Scotland (MSc) and the University of Otago-New Zealand (PhD). Since, I have worked in research and nature conservation at Landcare Research Ltd, the University of Bergen (Norway) and currently Zealandia Ecosanctuary. My research mostly focuses on plant and animal responses to environmental changes, and conservation/restoration management.
See you there!
Organizing Committee: Jean-Michel Carnus, Chair; Dr Geoffroy Lamarche; Dr Caroline Holden; Marleen van RoosmalenFor questions or suggestions contact: cafescientifique@french.co.nz — https://www.french.co.nz/cafe-scientifique
Alliance Française Café Scientifique explore the latest in French-related science and technology including engineering, socio-economic sciences and the humanities .
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